Blogging Facts | 11 Interesting Facts about Blogs

  1. The first blog was created in 1994 by a programmer named Justin Hall.
  2. The word "blog" is a shortened form of "weblog", which was used to describe personal online journals.
  3. There are over 600 million active blogs as of 2021.
  4. The most popular blogging platform is WordPress, with over 60% of all blogs being hosted on the platform.
  5. The average length of a blog post is around 1,200 words.
  6. Over 60% of bloggers are women.
  7. Blogging has become a profitable career for many people, with some bloggers earning over $100,000 per year.
  8. Businesses use blogs as a marketing tool to reach customers and build brand awareness.
  9. The majority of blogs are written in English, followed by Chinese and Spanish.
  10. Blogging has become a platform for social and political activism, with many bloggers using their platforms to raise awareness about important issues.
  11. The average time spent on a blog post is around 3 minutes, with the average person reading around 20-30% of the post.

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