Powerful Products of Artificial Intelligence In Use Today


There is no time that all human work will be done by machines. Machines are becoming more powerful, efficient and thinking like humans. They are effecting our life like voice-powered personal assistants like Siri and Alexa, they are now more advanced to give suggestive search result, route find and most advanced power of AI is self-drive car and behave and thing like human.

Now, AI is allover from personal computer to mobile, from car to huge transport vehicle and earth to space exploration.

What is Artificial Intelligence ?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans A true artificially-intelligent system is one that can learn on its own. 

Artificial Intelligence: Home

1. Siri

Everyone is familiar with Apple's personal assistant, Siri. She's the friendly voice-activated computer that we interact with on a daily basis. She helps us find information, gives us directions, add events to our calendars, helps us send messages and so on. Siri is a pseudo-intelligent digital personal assistant. She uses machine-learning technology to get smarter and better able to predict and understand our natural-language questions and requests.

2. Alexa

Alexa's rise to become the smart home's hub, has been somewhat meteoric. When Amazon first introduced Alexa, it took much of the world by storm. However, it's usefulness and its uncanny ability to decipher speech from anywhere in the room has made it a revolutionary product that can help us scour the web for information, shop, schedule appointments, set alarms and a million other things, but also help power our smart homes and be a conduit for those that might have limited mobility.

3. Google Home

Al Google Home is digital personal assistant. Google home connect to your smart home device and let you control all smart lights, doors, coffee machines and many other smart device which are connect to google home.

Artificial Intelligence: Photography 

AI in photography has very import role to recognize face to unlock phone, secure devices. Many of apps uses AI for photo editing   

Artificial Intelligence: Finance

Finance sectors need number of processing to desire result to invest in best stock and build a good portfolio. Because of the accuracy and efficiency of artificial intelligence, finance sector is quickly implementing machine learning, algorithmic trading, adaptive intelligence, chat-bots, automation etc into an array of processes. Now, there’re automated advisors powered by AI, who’re capable of predicting the best portfolio or stock based on preferences by scanning the market data. Actionable reports based on relevant financial data is also being generated by scanning millions of key data points, thus saving analysts numerous hours of work.

Artificial Intelligence: Online Shopping

AI give customer a best experience to shop from online shopping  site that recognize your needs, your habits, your thoughts using your personal data. Algorithm process data to get better experience to shop from site based on past purchase and searches by you.

Artificial Intelligence: Transportation

In both travel and transportation industries( logistic ), AI is steadily becoming one of the key tools for service providers as well as users. From suggesting efficient route to home, to making travel arrangements – artificial intelligence is helping people in taking the big leap. Travel companies, in particular, are capitalizing the ubiquitous usage of smart devices.

Artificial Intelligence: Medical

In, medical field Artificial Intelligence take important role and has already proved to be game-changer. AL makes more accurate diagnosis using huge data processing and identify patients needs. It reduce cost of medical facility.

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