Future Technology That Will Change the World in 2020


1. Hyperloop Train

A Hyperloop is a new mode of Transportation. The hyperloop comprises a sealed tube or system of tubes through which a vehicle may travel free of air resistance and friction conveying people or objects. The hyperloop can travel object more speed than a bullet train. It new type of travelling through  vacuum tube. It future technology.


Virtual reality (VR) has gotten popular this year. The  VR get experience of gaming, video movie watching and much more.

VR are more expensive like Samsung gear and other VR. There are also many of the cheapest VR in market that can be use for a while they does not experience good while watching the movie that you like to have more realistic experiences.

VR are used for the animation purposes, industrial use to design the car, body part and even in the medical treatments like surgery of human body part, the doctor use for operation purpose.


Tesla Models S and X model but they are expensive and only marginally appealing to the average consumers.

The electric cars are expensive but the are good for the nature environment, they doesn’t release any toxic in nature. Cars that run on the gas can be replace to electric car.

The number of the electric car are increasing day-by-day that is good 😊


3D printer are the future printer that we can print 3D object that can be use for many purpose. 3D printed object are used for the artificial art, home decor, and many more purposes.

3D printer not only used for day-to-day purpose thing only with it car parts, industrial parts can be printed. 3D print object have no join , So the object are hard and use for long term.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a field that has a long history but is still constantly and actively growing and changing. In this course, you’ll learn the basics of modern AI as well as some of the representative applications of AI. Along the way, we also hope to excite you about the numerous applications and huge possibilities in the field of AI, which continues to expand human capability beyond our imagination.

Artificial intelligence are the apple iOS siri , google , IBM Watson. Facebook is also developing its AI.

Artificial intelligence will change the future and also need of human. It will go beyond the line, like robot will do the work like human does the work. 

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